

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm not at work, nyah, nyah, nyah!!

  I am off today and tomorrow, so I am actually able to get some weaving done.  I haven't been able to do a whole lot lately, and not just because of work stuff.  Depression is a bit of a problem in my family and I've been having a round of it lately.  I am getting better, though, as shown by the fact that I have gotten some weaving done and have started some new things!
    Isn't that just the cutest little thing?!  I got it from, but she weaves hers around cardboard. I didn't know how that would work with the pins you have to use so I thought to use this:

.....which I got from.....
It's a little cooler that they deliver IV meds in at work.  I saw it and thought, "That'll work", took it home, and went after it with a pocketknife.  I didn't do a bad job at sewing the zipper in either.
   I also FINALLY finished my sampler band.
    The big loom is in a slow process of being warped with a 30 epi project that is the complete width of my loom, 32 inches, i.e. lots of yarn.  Lots and lots of yarn ends.  I ran out of heddles.  Can you hear the reluctance to work on this project?  Warping a loom is the least favorite part of weaving for me, so I will be very glad when I am done with it and can just WEAVE.
    I can't quite believe it but I have been weaving more than I've been reading.  And I read A LOT.


  1. I can't imagine working in 30 dpi -- to impatient. I work primarily in only 5 dpi, but because I love big bulky nubby yarns. And I admire you for putting in a ZIPPER. I did that once and gave up. Now I just use velcro closures.

  2. Hi Nicole, thanks for your comment on my "Strong Currents" blog. Yes, not an easy place to be, but wrting about it give me some emotional distance that does actually allow for some humor -- and it all seems a little less isolating.
    I see you haven't blogged in a while; I battle my own depressive episodes for sure. Maybe try writing about them? Rather, make them tangible, as to place and aura rather than trying to write about an actual feeling? I guess I do that by conveying my frustrations through actual scenes....
