

Monday, November 26, 2012

Makes me think of jewelry

  I received the Orlon for the scarf I've been commissioned to do and started weaving.  I measured enough for two scarves so I could have something to put on Etsy when I'm done.
It's really not that orange.
   I made part of the lace different colors.  The base color is a bright red, and the stripes are golden yellow and dark teal. I thought it would look better than just the one color.
   I need to take some pictures of this in sunlight and see if it still looks too yellow-y.
   Anyway, the first one is done, thanks to the Thanksgiving break I got from work (A FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!!).  I plan on getting this done as soon as possible, so the purse I wrote about previously is on hold.
   Next time I should have better pictures.


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