

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm not at work, nyah, nyah, nyah!!

  I am off today and tomorrow, so I am actually able to get some weaving done.  I haven't been able to do a whole lot lately, and not just because of work stuff.  Depression is a bit of a problem in my family and I've been having a round of it lately.  I am getting better, though, as shown by the fact that I have gotten some weaving done and have started some new things!
    Isn't that just the cutest little thing?!  I got it from, but she weaves hers around cardboard. I didn't know how that would work with the pins you have to use so I thought to use this:

.....which I got from.....
It's a little cooler that they deliver IV meds in at work.  I saw it and thought, "That'll work", took it home, and went after it with a pocketknife.  I didn't do a bad job at sewing the zipper in either.
   I also FINALLY finished my sampler band.
    The big loom is in a slow process of being warped with a 30 epi project that is the complete width of my loom, 32 inches, i.e. lots of yarn.  Lots and lots of yarn ends.  I ran out of heddles.  Can you hear the reluctance to work on this project?  Warping a loom is the least favorite part of weaving for me, so I will be very glad when I am done with it and can just WEAVE.
    I can't quite believe it but I have been weaving more than I've been reading.  And I read A LOT.