I know, it looks different, yeah? My life is changing so the blog is, too.
Why is my life changing? Because I am not satisfied with how it is right now.
Don't get me wrong, my relationship with my family is great, but I am not where I want to be right now in almost everything else.
I hate to go to work every day. I want to stay home and take care of my family, have food ready for them, and do more weaving. I used to find my job very satisfying. Working at a doctor's office, I felt like I am doing something worthwhile and helping people, but not so much responsibility that if I screw up I would kill someone. I am trusting doctors less now the more I have them throw pills at me instead of trying to fix the problems I am having.
I have a 1300 square foot apartment on the second floor that is very nice, in a good neighborhood. I also have a frustratingly small space to grow anything, I have to hand-water what I do grow, I can't have any animals, and I hear ambulances and fire trucks at least once a day. I am not satisfied with this.
So we are changing our lives, my family and I.
We have bought a slightly more than an acre lot about 15 minutes away in a more country area, that already has a septic tank, water service, and a power pole. It also has a chain-link fence around most of it, mature trees (cedar, pine, fig, sycamore, crepe myrtle, magnolia), and a little shed.
Our plans are to buy a Mobile home to move into after the school year ends (Eldest and Middle Daughters are in their senior year of high school and we don't want to screw that up), get a few chickens and start planting. In a few years, since we will be paying a heckuva lot less for shelter than our current rent, I will quit my current job and either stay home and take care of our little homestead or get a part-time job. One of my goals is to produce as much of our own food as possible. We will be gradually getting more animals. I want a couple of goats for milk, sheep for wool and meat, and maybe even a pig. We'll see how it goes.
I have pictures!
This is where we start. This is where we will end, and pass it on to our children.
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