This is my dream: five or more acres on which are planted vegetables, fruits, hay, and herbs to feed my family; chickens, rabbits, pigs, and a dairy goat; a below-ground house with every wall raised and every pipe laid by myself, my husband, dad, and kids; days spent out in the sunshine, tending to God’s creation instead of inside answering phones and sitting at a computer; afternoons and evenings spent at my looms and spinning wheels, creating more unique pieces to sell and provide for my loved ones.
Right now I live in a second floor apartment and a southern-facing balcony that is mostly taken up by a smoker-grill and two kayaks.
This picture is pre-kayaks. |
My husband thinks I'm crazy, but in his defense the history he knows and has seen of me and plants is of the houseplants I neglect and kill. I know he will support me, within reason.
Hi Nicole!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Josephine (the cat) and I have visited your interesting blog before or not. I follow it on bloglovin'.
Husband and I have a similar dream, although I think we are quite a bit older than you at 62 and 59 respectively. Right now we live in a ground floor condo with a north facing patio and one bedroom window. Not much light. Seventeen years here. I want light! I Need light -just like you need space and animals and more time at your loom. You do beautiful work, by the way.
Anyway, let's visit some more. Josephine would LOVE it.
Hi Maureen!
DeleteI am 19 years younger, so not THAT much! Thanks for commenting and the complement! I like the stories you tell of your Josephine. I miss having a cat, and yours is lovely.