The first farm-type animal we were planning on getting were chickens. Then I went to the chicken swap at the local feed store.
I came home with a five-month-old pot-belly pig boar. No, we aren't going to eat him, I just really love pigs. Also, I'm still hoping to convince the Wonderful Husband to let us breed them so we can eat the babies. I just have to convince him that grass isn't that important in the backyard, since it bothers him that just one pig is digging it up!
He's not really orange, he's just been rooting in red clay. |
Then, I went to another chicken swap. I need to not take the girls with me to these things, since I came home this time with two rabbits; an eight-week-old Broken Castor (color) Rex (breed) doe, and a Red Eyed White Rex buck of six weeks. They are currently residing in the chicken coop until I can build a colony for them. I want to raise them for meat, but I would have to use them as breeders since Eldest Daughter and Baby Girl are
waaaaaaayyy too attached to them.
My Wonderful Husband says I am not allowed to go to the chicken swap anymore. And someday, we will get chickens. I've got to build a bunny corral first.