

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Not Dead, Part 2

  It only took them about six and a half hours to position the trailer, tie it down, and set up the stairs.  Our paper castle was officially here! This part was very easy for us.  The hard part was yet to come.  My husband and his uncle ran wire from the pole to the trailer and hooked it in to the fuse panel on Tuesday, March 17th, hooked up the septic tank and water lines on Wednesday, and we were ready to move everything in on Friday. We were going up and down a flight of stairs for eleven hours with all our stuff.  My Wonderful Husband and I slept on the floor because we were too tired to set up our bed.
This is the living room, looking better than it first did.
   If I never move again, it will be too soon!
   On that Saturday, we took the girls to the apartment to help us clean and bring three loads of small stuff to our new house. We got everything out of the apartment and into the trailer, and started getting everything situated.
   Then we noticed that the electric was flickering, going in and out when it wanted.
   After $500 and a weekend with very limited power, we replaced the main fuse in the box on the pole that had been damaged by water.
   So, now we are living on our land. Now I can start thinking about a garden, chickens, taking care  of and using our property to provide for us. I can start working on my spinning and weaving products.
NOW this place feels like home!