While I wait for the Orlon I ordered to make the scarf for my co-worker, I figured I would make myself a new purse, hobo bag style, since my current one's straps are rapidly fraying.
I had woven this a good while ago in a diamond twill of a thick lavender linen and 16/2 undyed linen, and didn't have enough for the project. Shocking, I know.
Anyway, it has been sitting in our closet with the other stuff I have woven and not sold. I knew it would be strong enough for a purse, but that I would also have to line it. Fortunately, I also had some bleached muslin left over from another project which I will use to make the lining.
I am pretty much winging it with the design. I figured the body of it would be a thin U of the lavender fabric, with the strap, woven on my inkle loom, sewn down the sides and bottom of the U.
The loaded loom, outer fabric, and inner lining fabric. |
It's kinda hard to see, but the design on the inkle strap is called wandering vine, woven in dark blue, half-bleached, and light purple linen. I hope it will look better once it is washed and dried.
The fun part will be figuring out how to do the lining, because I like pockets and compartments in a purse. I don't like the black hole where everything goes in and good luck getting anything back out. I had woven some little purses on Styrofoam forms that I might sew onto the front, for keys or cellphone or sunglasses.
Once I have figured out how to do this, I will make a few others to sell on Etsy.
We'll see how this goes.